It’s mid-July and you are probably thinking I’m a “day late and a dollar short”. No…I’m not talking about Independence Day--this is a different kind of American milestone. The United States has a few upcoming anniversary dates that all Americans should have firmly implanted in their minds.
June 25, 1962: This was the day that prayer was
removed from our public schools in the Supreme Court decision “Engel v. Vitale”. Does anyone remember what this actual prayer
was? I must confess, as I was only 2
years old at the time, that I did not recall it when I was doing the research
for this article. Here’s the “offending”
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
Wow!—seems kind of tame in
retrospect doesn’t it? Was this the
little prayer that drove progressives insane and caused all the brouhaha? Seriously?
It all seems so quaint and harmless through the perspective lens of 50
years. Apparently, this simple and
innocent prayer was just too much to tolerate for some people. No big deal…the court simply tossed out ALL
prayer in the name of religious “freedom”.
Interesting Historical Trivia: This case was argued before the Supreme Court
on 4/3/62. One of the judges, Progressive Justice Felix Frankfurter, suffered a
cerebral hemorrhage on 4/5/62 just two days later. Justice Frankfurter was instrumental in founding
the American Civil Liberties Union (better known as the ACLU). He never did get to rule in this case but he
would have obviously agreed with banning prayer. Maybe the dysfuctional reasoning used to
disallow prayer was enough to cause one man’s brain to explode…. As my kids
state:… “Just sayin’”... There is some
very rich symbolism here—strange, but true.
However, let’s stay on track and just state the facts:
June 17, 1963: On this day, The Supreme Court
removed Bible reading from public schools in the “Abington School District v.
Schempp” decision. The court deemed that
school sponsored Bible reading was now unconstitutional. The plaintiff in the case (Ellory Schempp
later joined by the infamous Madalyn O’Hair) stated that his children were
being adversely affected because they had to:
“hear and sometimes read portions of the Bible as part
of their public school education.”
Whoa!…that’s completely intolerable,
right? Imagine making our children read
an ancient historical text like the Bible in order to receive a full, well-rounded
education. Of course this Book has no
significance or place in an American education.
It’s not like it is the foundational belief that our Constitution is
based on, right?
Why would we need to have any
familiarity with the Bible for goodness sakes?
Thankfully NOW our schools
are totally free of this seditious indoctrination!
However, nature abhors a
vacuum. The vacuum created by removing
the Bible reading and prayer from our schools has now been filled with a different
type of indoctrination instead. Here are
just a few, tiny examples of what is currently being taught by mandate of law in our public schools (starting
in ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS) instead of that “scary Bible teaching”:
Laws already signed
into effect now require that public schools positively promote LGBT
behavior and sexuality to children as young as 6 years old. These teachings include “cross-dressing”,
“sex-change” operations, “same-sex marriages” and bisexuality.
Laws already signed
into effect do NOT require that the public schools notify the parents
when they will be teaching these classes, NOR will they be able to exempt their
children from this core curriculum
(hmmmm….is this MANDATORY?)—you know how we
Americans HATE that word.
Laws already signed
into effect allow school staff to remove children, aged 12 and up, off school
grounds for the purpose of “counseling sessions” without parental
involvement or permission. This is
for the purpose of assisting children who are “sexually confused” and encouraging
them to embrace their sexuality, whatever it may be.
Laws signed into
effect prohibit free speech if it is deemed “hate”, “intolerance” or
“discrimination” against peacefully speaking or writing against any type of
un-Biblical sexual behavior. This means
that students, teachers and parents who speak about their Biblical values could
face criminal penalties.
Laws signed into
effect that teach our children that all sexual behavior is “safe” as long as
you use a condom.
Laws signed into
effect that MANDATE (there’s that nasty word again) that our children learn sex
education from the school. In this
MANDATED education, they will learn from the public school system curriculum
that includes lessons on how to use a condom and what the appropriate age is for sexual activity.
Whew! so glad we got that subversive Bible teaching out of there just in time!
HELLO???….PEOPLE….Have we gone stark
raving NUTS in this country? It is NOT
OK to read the Bible but it IS OK for the State to tell your child HOW and WHEN
to have sex????? PS: What if this violates YOUR beliefs as a
parent? Oh….”too bad, so sad” (as my
kids would say). You no longer have a
say—unfortunately, YOU (your parental rights) went out the window with the
Bible—too bad, so sad.
But I hear the sound of PRAYING again?
Reading of the Koran Islam Studies Required in
California District
And the corresponding sub-title: "Course has 7th-graders memorizing the Koran verses and praying to Allah."
Now how did that nasty
“praying” work itself back into our school system again? Oh yes…this kind of praying to “Allah” is now
acceptable in our public school system but not to the God of the Old and
New Testament.
your brain exploding yet?
Lastly, is it no small coincidence
that our children are also being taught to hate America? The prevalent doctrine of “American
Imperialism” now teaches our children that America is bad, bad, very bad.
Yes, yes…I am finally seeing
the light. I can see the “big
improvement” that has been made here. No
wonder Atheists are now called “The Brights”.
Let’s check some objective
statistics for those of you who still may be unconvinced. Let’s see how we have “improved” since 1962
in terms of education:
How do we rank in the world in terms of education?
Headline in USA Today from
ranking, U.S. students trail global leaders
“Out of 34
countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math.
behind the highest-scoring countries, including South Korea, Finland and
Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai in China
and Canada.”
How about our literacy rate?
“In 2011 the United State ranked TWENTY-THREE against the
nations of the world in our literacy rate BEHIND such countries as: Cuba,
Barbados, Kazakhstan and Tonga”
What the huh? Just where exactly is Tonga anyway?
How about our U.S. drop-out rate?
Here’s another Headline
from CNN:
'High school dropout
crisis' continues in U.S., study says
The article
went on to state “As many as 50% of students are dropping out in some
major cities across the U.S.”
How about the Teachers? How are they
And the Headline
Violence Reaches EPIDEMIC proportions
So…since we ditched prayer
and Bible readings, are U.S. parents, teachers, and country still being “Blessed”
like that sweet little prayer from 1962?
Seriously, by all objective
measures the answer is a big, fat resounding
Now...shudders…we are
approaching the 40 year anniversary of the 1973 legalized abortion decision:
Roe v. Wade
The number 40 in the Bible
has deep significance. It signifies
“testing” and “wandering in the wilderness”.
Noah was in the ark for 40 days and 40 nights. The children of Israel wandered in the desert
for 40 years. Jesus was tempted for 40 days.
This is a VERY momentous anniversary. It literally means we are on the crux of
something MAJOR. Like Jesus, will we
pass with flying colors through the temptations? Or will we be destroyed in the “flood” of
human destruction? Will we be banned from entering the Promised Land?
The United States has now
reached the astronomical figure of 56 million abortions and this number is
rapidly approaching 60 million. AMERICA will
soon be guilty of 10 TIMES the number of deaths as those attributed to
The Holocaust. Let’s look at history: Those that do not study history are doomed to
repeat it. Germany was judged very harshly
after its genocidal sins in World War II.
The German cities were CRUSHED into rubble by bombs, their country was DIVIDED
and split up as spoils to other nations and they are STILL to this VERY DAY paying off World War II reparations. This is all easy info to find on the
Internet…very recent history, relatively speaking, yet still Americans proceed along
our current path with AMAZINGLY oblivious and dim-witted national confidence.
I remember a favorite childhood TV show named “Lost
in Space”. The little futuristic robot would
say “Warning, Warning Will Robinson” when something bad was about to
Well, here goes—let’s see if
it works:
WARNING, WARNING AMERICA….We are about to face some
SERIOUS national judgement.
So what will it be in 2013,
the 50 year anniversary of Bible/prayer removal and the 40 year anniversary of
sanctioning the murder of our children?
Doomsday or Deliverance?
Since the beginning of time,
God has always given us the freedom of “choice”.
Very simple…Choose ye this
day: Life or Death.
This day
I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you
LIFE and DEATH, BLESSINGS and CURSES. Now choose LIFE, so that you and your children may live.
~Deuteronomy 30:19
Please America. For the sake of our children, your children…Choose
Blog Footnote:
Please join me in signing a pledge to fast and pray for our
country from sunset on 09/25/2012 to nightfall 9/26/2012 (approximately 25
For Jewish people this time period is known as Yom Kippur.
For Christians we recognize this time as The Day of
Repentance and/or The Day of Reckoning.
Isn’t it interesting that it is known by both names? Here’s a website where you can pledge to fast
and pray for our country:
Lastly, as a true symbolic act of American Repentance—let’s
sign the modern day “Declaration of Independence” from the destructive tyranny
of Human Secularism. Go to:
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